25 Apr, 2024

Kolonia Staszica estate

The Kolonia Staszica estate is a historic residential area dating back to the nineteen twenties. It was created on the former military area of Pola Mokotowskie, in the square between the roads Nowowiejska (previously called 6 Września), Wawelska, Aleja Niepodległości and Krzywickiego (previously called Sucha).


 After regaining independence in 1918, the Polish government needed accommodation for its clerks. Since 1922, the construction of houses and blocks began in this area, based on a uniform urbanisation plan on the land purchased by the state. The construction was financed through low-interest loans.

To achieve this goal, housing co-operatives were established in the area. These co-operatives were dismantled after the construction was completed and the properties were sold to individual members of the co-operative.



Mały Belweder ROK 1970 Źródło: Zdjecie Własne
"Little Belvedere" 1970 years

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